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Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Insomnia and Funky Cravings

Good evening all.  Hopefully, most of you are asleep like normal people.  I am up with my horrible middle of the night cravings, and no, I'm not pregnant.  My  hubby is sweet enough to go to McD's to get me some Chicken McNuggets which are totally bad for me.  My craving is making me sick enough that I feel like if I don't get some chicken right now, I will throw up.  However, when I get the chicken, it will make my stomach hurt and make me feel like throwing up as well, so I really don't know which is better (or worse)!  Does anyone else out there with fibro get these random cravings all the time yet still feel sick to their stomach?  Ugh, so frustrating! And most all of my cravings come in the middle of the night when it's absolutely inconvenient.  This is part of why I could never go back to a small town.  Whatever would I do? LOL

On another note, I had a fun time with my brand new book group.  There were only three of us, but we got a lot accomplished and a book picked out for this month.  It is Here be Dragons by Sharon K. Penman.  I heard lots of good things and can't wait to start.  This will be part of my nightly winding down ritual for the next month.  It was nice to have the girls over and just chill at my house.  I love being hostess!

I worked on absolutely nothing crafty today and the orders are piling up!  Tomorrow is a big day of crafting for me.  Luckily, I have no other plans at all.  I will be staying home, in my PJs, using all my new tools and goodies.  I am stoked and have a bunch of cute ideas for Thanksgiving cards and Christmas stuff.  How's everyone doing on their Christmas shopping/gift making?  I started my list tonight as to what I want to get everyone and that's as far as I am right now.  After Thanksgiving though, it's on! ;)

I don't feel like getting my camera out right now so I don't have any pictures for you tonight.  I'll try to get on that tomorrow....

I spoke with a really good friend of mine today and I am so worried that she has my symptoms, in essence, I think she might be developing Fibromyalgia.  I am sooooooo concerned.  She's having tingling and pain in her hands, which is exactly how mine started.  She's also having overwhelming fatigue and a sore body no matter what she does.  All she wants to do is lie down and she is depressed, but this is beyond depression.  My advice to her and to others out there to start doing the process of elimination, especially if you have no medical insurance, is to start by eliminating certain foods from your diet, cutting your activities by at least half, and allowing your body to rest when it's begging you to.  Most importantly, allow your body to rest and DON'T feel guilty or that you are being lazy.  It is not something you can control!  I still have to tell myself this some days.  I have the guilt factor for sure and if I'm not doing a million things at once, I feel like a useless slug and it's very hard to cope with.  Self forgiveness and understanding is KEY!

On that note, friends, please pray (if you do) for my friend and let's hope she doesn't have this horrible, life altering, disorder.

Thank you all and goodnight.

XO ~ Amy Jo


Nancy said...

Hi Amy,
My best friend also fibromyalgia. She is the one that had me talk to a new (one of the many)doctors I went to see about having fibromyalgia. I still have that doctor and she is just wonderful.I hope your friend does not have fibromyalgia, I wouldn't wish this on anybody. My sister in law was just telling me yesterday that she has been feeling pain all over in her hand and joints and muscles. Is more people getting fibro or does it seem that way because it is now recognized?You said don't feel guilty or feel lazy that is a hard one for me. I know it has to do with my past marriage no matter what I did back then it was wrong. My husband now is just so wonderful and that is why I feel lazy sometimes. He works 50 hrs a week and works on fixing up the house and he still is always asking what he can do for me. He is just wonderful. He doesn't understand when I tell him how much he helps my by just being so sweet and understanding when I cant do something.
I do not have cravings like you do. I do crave chocolate but I have always done that. I usually have chocolate in the house.
It has been cold and raining and you know what that means. I have not had a food make me sick like you.
Have you tried sun lamps? I am thinking of trying it. My doctor had told me awhile back I should try it but the money kind of made me forget about it. I did find a site where I can get a floor and a desk lamp for 50$ after a rebate. I did check it out and it is the same thing as the ones that are selling for 2 and 3 hundred$.
I do hope you get some good sleep tonight. I will say some prayers for your friend.
I hope everyone has a pain free and great day!!

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