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Monday, October 15, 2012

I'm Back!!!

Oh my friends, my wonderful crafty friends, how I have missed you all!  I am so happy to see that most of you are still following me and I thank you deeply for that.  I apologize for going on hiatus with absolutely no notice or reason.  To be honest, I wasn't expecting it myself!

Since all of you here know about my condition, I feel no reason to hide why I've been gone... I've been struggling.  Struggling with the fibro, the lack of relief from the pain, the depression that goes along with it, the extreme exhaustion, and especially the weight gain that goes along with the use of painkillers.  I am also going through addiction.  Let me just say, when you have a chronic pain condition it is IMPOSSIBLE not to get addicted to the pain meds.  I am proud to say, I am almost off of Oxycodone, which was a major addiction for me and I didn't even realize it until I would wake up in the morning with the shakes and the sweats and couldn't even move until I had some in me.  Now, don't get me wrong...I am still on pain meds and probably will have to be unless by some miracle, my fibromyalgia goes away, but I am trying so hard to work through it with less addictive (at least in my opinion) medications.

To boot, I now have possibly another chronic condition Interstitial Cystitis, which is beyond annoying!  I don't know if you all know what that is, but for those of you that don't, it is a chronic condition in which your bladder is constantly irritated.  Basically it feels like you have a UTI, but you can't get rid of it!  I have what feels like pressure on my bladder all the time and OMG, it's extremely frustrating!  This is new... Just started about three weeks ago and I have yet to see a urologist, but my doc says there's a good chance this is what it is and for those of you with fibro, you likely know that once you have fibro, a whole onslaught of other chronic conditions may arise or go hand in hand with it.  Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh!  Yes, I feel like screaming most of the time!

Ok, and one more complaint or rather, update... Pain meds (opiates) can ruin your teeth!!! I had no idea about all of these horrible side effects before I started taking it.  As far as the weight gain, within two years of being on opiates most people will double their weight!!!  and I did! and the fact that it's like using methamphetamine or heroin.  It will rot your teeth.  I have always had strong, albeit crooked, ;) teeth, but now they are starting to decay!  I couldn't believe it when I went to the dentist.  He's like "You must eat a lot of sweets" and I'm like "No, actually, I don't, why?"  and then I said I'm on pretty heavy duty medications and he told me that they are affecting my teeth.  Amazing that no doctors told me this before getting on it right?

So that, in a nutshell, is what's going on in my life and why I've been absent for so long.  I haven't done much crafting but I did get a custom order from a friend for a baby shower so I will share with you, that creation!

First off, I started with the cutest SVG file from Paper Piecings by Nikki (you may remember I was on Nikki's DT for quite a while).  I was so excited to see she had exactly what I was looking for!!! How cute is this cut???

The paper is DCWV Lemon Berry stack (I think that's what it's called), the sentiment is from Crafty Sprouts and I punched the ticket shape from an EK Success punch.  I used some pop dots to pop up the silhouette and the sentiment (inside) and that super cute silver/clear ribbon is from Flourishes.  I inked the edges with a Cat's Eye brown ink and used my ATG for the glue.  I also added some Stickles Pearls to the dress to make it a little fancier. ;)

There you have it!  My first project in ages and I sure hope you enjoyed it!  It's good to be back and it would mean sooooo much if you would leave your comments.  I would love to catch up with everyone!

XO ~ Amy Jo


Julie Koerber said...

What a darling creation! Love that cut file and the sentiment is perfect for the inside! Thanks for giving a shout out to Flourishes! :-) Happy stamping!

Unknown said...

Well good golly look at you!! You have been missed! I'm glad that you were well enough to do some creating and some blogging.
My good news is that I am going to see a new pain doc. My fibro is so out of control! It is all located in my back where I can't reach. I've resorted to laying on a tennis ball to get relief. On to other news, I am a new consultant for Close To My Heart. What an amazing company! I have a link on my blog if you'd like to check them out. Let me know if you'd like a catalog..I can mail it out to you.
Stay well ( or as well as a fibro girl can )

DIANA L. said...

Your card is adorable Amy. Glad to see you back and I will keep you in prayer for healing--- No fun being in pain. I was glad to read you are coming off the addictive pain killers.


Pat N. said...

Any, the card you made is absolutely adorable! Your friend should love it. I'm so sorry to hear all the suffering you're going through. I can't begin to imagine how I would handle the pain if I were in your situation. I hope that you are truly on the upswing now with your meds and that your fibro and side effects are at a tolerable level for you.

Delightful Designs by Katherine said...

Came over to say hi from Facebook. Sorry you have been so miserable. Hoping some health care provider can get you to a comfortable point. Love the new card.

Suzanne said...

So sorry you have been going through all this. Proud of you for being so strong and working your way of Oxy. Good to see you scrapping and commenting. We have missed you. Prayers and hugs for you.

Cathy said...

welcome back:)

Linda Simpson said...

Welcome back my dear sweet friend. It was lovely to hear from you after sooooooooo long. You are one strong person to be dealing with all that you have too and I applaud you for your resilience in dealing with your condition from day to day.

Your card is just Awesome! Loving the sentiment too.

Don't leave it too long before you post again. Big Hugs
Linda xxxxx

Beckie said...

First off let me is WONDERFUL to see you back. I missed you and was concerned, but I knew you'd be back when you could . I am so very sorry that you've been having this craziness. But you keep your chin up girl! Satan is trying to drag you down, but You tell him that you're a princess to the King!!!

Hope you keep on posting. Hugs and more hugs.

Be blessed, Beckie

scrapqueen141 said...

Very cute card, love the colors! And, I'm so glad you are back!

Merilee Lane said...

I'm so glad you're back! I've missed you! What a darling card, too.

Don't give up--just keep on going every single day. You are important--it doesn't matter how sick you are. You are beautiful--it doesn't matter how much you weigh. Your life is worthwhile, no matter what hardships you live with.

My love to you!

abusybee - DoubleClick Connections said...

Hope that you are doing well. I am keeping you in my thoughts and prayers for a speedy recovery!

Cute card too! Carri~Abusybee

xxcalamityxx said...

Inspirational card and story Amy-Jo xhugsx Nikki

Sherrie K. said...

Glad to see you back at it....been thinking of you Amy!! Hugs my friend:)
Your card is awesome. I love the papers you fun! Hope to see more of your projects...stay strong!
Sherrie K

Naomi Edwards said...

Welcome back Amy!!! Gosh I missed you so much and I have to admit I was terrified something may have happened seeing the last post was that huge fire that was getting closer to you! I am so happy you are ok.... Ok as in alive... I totally get you, you know that.. I am so super proud of you for making the choice to come of the must be feeling different in ways... I came of took 9 months and 2 weeks ago was my very last one!!! So yeah I hear you about the weight gain, the teeth and the bladder... I actually have Kidney stones right now and a Kidney infection.. I know that is different but having Fibro I do feel that pressure alot! You are I are like two peas in a pod when it comes to health, hahahaha I Love you and I am super excited you are back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Drop on over and visit me, so much have changed.. I will be opening my new online digital store once Hostgator gets of their backside and publishes it... a freebie is going out in the morning , it is a snowman (night scene) don't miss out!! There is also a little girl praying , giving thanks put up last week but will be available until Nov 30th. Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek your're back!!!

Anonymous said...

Amy I love it!

Jenn Borjeson said...

Amy Jo, thank you so much for your comment on my blog. I'm a new follower here, too, and looking forward to talking to you! This card is gorgeous! :)

Heather D. ~ Fresh Brewed Designs said...

Oh my goodness how SWEET this card is! I love the mix of patterned papers and how elegant it is!

So sorry to hear you are dealing with so many things and struggling right now. I will be praying for you!

Thank you for stopping by my blog and for hopping with us at Fresh Brewed Designs this weekend!
Smiles -
Heather D.

VanessaB said...

Thanks for hopping along for the Fresh Brewed Designs rubber release blog hop, and becoming my new follower- but not just any new follower- my 100th! I have some blog candy to send out to you, if you like...... email me at vanessabuzard at gmail dot com. :)

Decosse's Dynamite Doodles said...

Love this card AmyJo. You did such a fabulous job.

Lisa D.

Leonardo DiCaprio said...

I recently have some difficult conversations and I did what a lot of people do when they want to know how to do something. I googled it. I came across Dr Williams herbal medicine on blog-site so many people thanking him about his good work. I also have fibromyalgia. I wasn’t running all over God’s creation with every man I could find but here I am. I have felt bad about myself for so many years now because of my fibromyalgia status. I obviously still have some self-accepting to do but I want to thank Dr Williams for everything he have done for my family ,after taking Dr Williams medicine i was completely free from fibromyalgia within one month of usage, I think what you are doing is so admirable. you have helped me a lot! I want to definitely reach out to you and thank you for your amazing work. You are a good person, and an extremely talented man. You have helped millions with your herbs, and have really inspired me,and i pray you still continue doing the good can also email him on for help

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